10 Language Learning Mistakes You Might Be Making (And How to Fix Them!)

Language learning can sometimes feel like juggling flaming torches while walking a tightrope—you’ve got vocab in one hand, grammar in the other, and pronunciation teetering on your nose. Let’s untangle these common slip-ups and turn your language journey into a delightful dance instead of a treacherous trek. 1. Obsessing Over Every Slip-Up Making mistakes is… Continue reading 10 Language Learning Mistakes You Might Be Making (And How to Fix Them!)

Five ways learning a language is like falling in love

With February 14th and St Valentine’s Day upon us once again, love is in the air and on the minds of many people.  Learning a language and nurturing a romantic relationship share many similarities – both often start with initial flames of passion and desire, ultimately leading to a deeper, more complex appreciation and understanding… Continue reading Five ways learning a language is like falling in love

How to learn a new language without a teacher

With the range of tools freely available online and in the real world, learning a language by yourself is now easier than ever.  Learning a language without a teacher means that you take complete responsibility for what you are learning and how you are learning it. This process is much more personal than, for example,… Continue reading How to learn a new language without a teacher