Придружите се више од 4 милиона
студенти и наставници широм света!
Да ли сте учитељ или школа? Реците нам како вам можемо помоћи, а ми ћемо вам се јавити.
Придружите се нашем програму за наставнике данас
Честа питања:
Can I share some features I need with you?
Of course! Let us know in the questionnaire above what your situation is and which features would best suit your needs.
Do I need a Premium account to use this app in my school?
No, you do not need to have Premium. However, with Premium, you can enjoy unlimited features and study time with no interruptions. We recommend the Premium version as it is perfect for effective learning.
Can you provide me with a special offer for my school or class?
Yes, we're all in favor of education and progress. Fill in the questionnaire above, and we'll see what we can do.